1. You were on The Daniel Plan before Pastor Rick made it cool.

You’re a purpose-driven vegan.

2. You always sign up to bring an entrée to the church potluck. If you’re lucky, this is what you get:

vegan holiday plate

3. Here’s what you get if you’re not so lucky:

limp salad


4. Pastor’s eating a veggie burger?! Victory for ALL animals!

Victory Dance GIF


5. Every time the preacher talks about Old Testament sacrifice or eating meat, she looks at you and says, “Sorry.”

Child Exasperated Sigh GIF


6. You volunteer for the food committee at every event to make sure there are meat-free options.

raising hands


7. Every meal you’ve ever been served at a spaghetti fundraiser looks like this:

Plain Pasta (Spaghetti)


8. This is you when you realize that someone in your congregation is vegetarian:


9. When you learn a frequent visitor is vegetarian, you sometimes resort to this:

10. You’ve been told hundreds of times that Jesus ate fish, but no one ever mentions that Eden was vegan.

Shaking Head GIF


11. Suddenly, all your friends think Old Testament animal sacrifice is a valid argument for the expression of New Testament faith.

12. Upon entering the grocery store, you say a little prayer that there is at least one bag of vegan marshmallows left on the shelf …

13. … and sing praise when you find them!

vegan smores
S’mores for everyone!!


14. Vacation Bible School includes a lesson on cruelty-free products, just because.

14 Great Cruelty-Free Companies



15. The body of Christ is the only body you’ll eat.

Communion Bread
This body is life-giving.

These bodies are just dead.
chickens with their throats cut, hanging in shackles on the slaughter line


16. Your kids thank God for all animals during the dinner blessing.


17. Your favorite part of Heaven Is for Real was the revelation that animals go to heaven.

emma the sweetest dog in the world

RIP, Emma. We’ll see you soon.


Are you a vegetarian Christian? Share your testimony!


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